Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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Appeal on Family Christian prelates of the border against "collusion and corrupt"
Da Don Mogavero Riboldi of the proposals also an "electoral strike"

Mafia, the protest of the bishops of South
"No religious festivals in the towns colluded"


PALERMO - Enough with the timidity of the Church, enough political support to come to terms with the crime, enough of the false piety of the mafia. After the document of the CEI on the south, the bishops are on the field with two strong proposals in the trenches: an "electoral strike" that highlights the inadequacy of the political class and the abolition of religious holidays in countries where crime reigns mafia. From Locri
Acerra, Mazara del Vallo in Agrigento: the bishops of the border speak the columns of the Christian family and make self-criticism for the timidity of the clergy. So Dominic Mogavero, Bishop of Mazara del Vallo and president of the Council for Legal Affairs of the Italian Bishops Conference, fears of a Church "icon antimafia," which raises the individual from their responsibilities and throw down the gauntlet to leave no dead letter, the recent document Cei of the South. "If no one will speak after Easter, we will have failed. Even in our community - he says - should reflect on the terrible sense of the word cited in the document: collusion. " Monsignor Mogavero, who recently had spoken harshly on the decree for the release of lists of the PDL for the regional and the laws ad personam, is now inviting the faithful to demonstration: "Every community - offers - choose a topic related to the situation of its territory and to act: lace, wear, political corruption, mafia devoted to providing money for the festivals." Invite a strike instead
Don Riboldi election. "Now it's up to us - says the bishop of Acerra - Politicians need to say or listen to our voice, or do not vote anymore. Christians must wake up in the South. Today I am continually assisted. The South is not Italy, now we can say that an area is annexed. It will be ugly, but it is. In 50 years in the South I saw only words and errors: born and death factories, agricultural land devastated tourism abandoned. The mafia had fertile ground plowed by the State and a system of corruption and collusion set with extraordinary efficiency. And people has suffered and has resigned. " Don Riboldi not spare harsh criticism for representatives of the institutions: "The culture of lawlessness has been disseminated by the State. And I do not see that his comfort those who have contributed to the logic of corruption is proposing a law against it. The Camorra dominates the hearts and minds. It prevents kids from going to school, because she wants to educate them. Yet we cut funds to the school. We must cut the bridges, even those among our churches and the mafia culture, which often proves to be pious. " A concept that is very dear to the Bishop of Agrigento, Francesco Montenegro, the one that took the Magi at Christmas crib from leaving the message: "rejected at the border" as illegal immigrants. Today he says: "Abolish all religious feasts in countries where there are murders. The sacred is not enough to be considered good if none then the complaint and the mafia culture is the only one admitted. "And Giuseppe Morosini, bishop of Locri, admits responsibility:" We must be clear, also the responsibility of a church sometimes too timid. "

source Of 10.marzo.2010


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