The CEI advocates the unification of Italy "E 'a treasure that belongs to everyone"
President Cardinal Bagnasco: "It should not be mistreated." Hard editorial on the website of the foundation of Luca di Montezemolo: "Against this league policy is too weak." Urso against the minister, "Fini has put a real problem"
ROME - More controversy on the words of Calderoli and its possible packages to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. 1 Before a tough editorial on the website of Futura Italy, 2 the foundation of Luca di Montezemolo. "It 's time to close the benevolence to the League's strategy. " Then a clear position of finiano Adolfo Urso. And finally, the admonition of the President of the CEI, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, "The unity of Italy is treasure for all, should not be mistreated"
Futura Italy. Write Carlo Calenda and Andrea Romano on the site of the foundation Futura Italy. "It's just the unprecedented weakness of our political history, its leaders and its ability to prospect, who delivered a party voted by 2,750,000 people (many of whom asked not only to see their money swallowed by increasingly unproductive government spending) the helm of the agenda politics and government of the i nter country. The other twenty million and goes to Italian League who did not vote are effectively held hostage by an organization remarkably cohesive and clear in its intentions that did not find any bank to the right or left of the political spectrum. In a normal country - they write Calenda and Romano - which Italy continues to be, the ambitions of the League would have been buried by a sense of responsibility to allies and adversaries and the legitimate needs of his constituents would find the answer in government other political forces. It did not happen yesterday and we fear that will not happen tomorrow either, even on the eve of the historic occasion of the 150th anniversary national unity. "
Finian against. The deputy minister also spoke Economic Development, Adolfo Urso. "It 's the proof that Fini has put a real problem, to the point that La Russa had to criticize the attitude of Calderoli, who apparently went too far. That's why the PDL must play a role not to control but to drive. " The celebration itself'''makes little sense. The anniversary should be the time to prepare the solutions, not just to raise the flag''said Calderoli. Statements that fuel the distrust of the Northern League to Finian. "We will put the league to the test, this does not we discount - added Urso -. So we've asked that the PDL should be the party leadership of the coalition, in the interests of national solidarity. "
Bondi defends Calderoli. Alongside Calderoli take sides but no ifs and buts culture minister, Sandro Bondi: "No dissociation, has only said that the best way to remember the unification of Italy is to achieve federalism." taken from the May 3, 2010
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