Tuesday, May 11, 2010


asphalt and concrete between the Alps and LAGUNA
Project Motorcity on the desk of Governor Zaia

Ferruccio Sansa

Who knows what will decide the Governor "farmer." Luca Zaia has yet to show his idea of \u200b\u200bthe new Veneto, must make it clear whether it will continue on the path of his predecessor, who is also Minister of Agriculture, but he has cemented his land.
Zaia soon arrive on the desk of a project that will clear 460 hectares of fields and change forever the Veronese countryside: the circuit of Motorcity, a project launched years ago by the company Chicco Gnutti and Gianpiero Fiorani ... yes, the scoundrels of the neighborhood . The autodir ro mo will be one of the greatest works in the Veneto region, together with Mestre and Mose. So far, the League has failed, but now it's up to you to decide. We
Vigasio Trevenzuolo and, in the province of Verona. A one hundred and fifty kilometers from Monza and Imola, two historic circuits in this period do not fare too well.
Yeah, the automotive industry is in crisis, the Formula 1 reel and tip over Asia where money and run flourishing ski on artificial islands. Well, what do you do in Veneto? A 5.2 km long racetrack for more than a billion of investment.
But the point is above another, go Vigasio to realize this. To the north on a clear day you can see the Alps in the east to the Laguna bleaching the sky. Around it is plain to the eye, the land thick, dark absorbs everything in its color.
We are on the border between the Veneto and Lombardy, where the league has its roots, rural and urban. Now, however, the image that you have before sovrapponetene another: that of the Raceway future elaborated in "rendering" of Architects ( www.motorcityvr.it ). Here, instead of the campaign will see the snake of asphalt of the track. But the bulk of the project, and the deal, is in the mall by 769,000 square meters, the theme park of 350 thousand square meters (twice that of the nearby Gardaland), the technological center (268,000 square meters), in hotels, unmissable restaurants and homes. Then toll, roads and subways. In short, cement.
"It 's a huge project that threatens to upset our countries, and Vigasio Trevenzuolo, to be devoured by Motorcity, become an appendage of the runway," she sighs Caesar Nicolis.
Its history tells of many things today that Veneto has the records of the shipyards, but also of the committees. Nicolis is a former bank manager, one who can handle budgets and at 59 decided to retire to devote himself to his homeland. In your archive contains thousands of pages with the strange story otorcit M y From the beginning, when there was a competition between the towns of the Veneto region in order to award the project. Vigasio Trevenzuolo and won. E 'in July 2004 when Earchimede and Draco are referred to as the company which made the work. Behind the project can be glimpsed Emilio Gnutti, Hopa, the population of Lodi led by Gianpiero Fiorani and Unipol, in short, the protagonists of climbing in summer 2005. The Gnutti dream, which divides the heart between finance and motors is realized. Meanwhile, however, the project will change the face: growing up the buildings around the track. The rest of the story is written in an overview of Motorcity Chambers: the scoundrels go belly up, and so the circuit goes into other hands. Today
to hold the reins are cooperatives. But the companies are also local. Even the Veneto Region
. Government that acts with a hand sign with another company and building permits. And the project goes ahead, despite the doubts. The same Giancarlo Galan, the Governor said: "That project does not convince me." But while the region from clear.
Despite the shadows of environmental impact assessments . Cards that perhaps the residents of Vigasio Trevenzuolo and do not know. The company which made promises that Motorcity reach up to 106,483 people on weekdays and on holidays will touch 180,995 admissions. Many visitors
money, certainly, but also pollution. And in June 2008 Arpav put on paper its cautions: "The impact assessment with respect to the Pm10 appears to be strongly underestimated. From our estimates the increase in traffic - even creating transport systems like the Metro - implies increased
emissions of six times. " We speak of particulate matter, fine particles, those pollutants that cause cancer if they finish in the lungs. Threatening especially the elderly and children. The project, however, goes on. Trawl and the promise of jobs. Motorcity are some investors, "will employ 15 000 people." Possible. Hard to say if the calculation takes into account the jobs would be lost in agriculture, or Monza, Imola and Gardaland. The population is divided Vigasio.
And politics. The center supports (in the former company directors also sit on the PDL), while the center is not. Beppe Grillo meet up and her fought against the track. At
elections Vigasio, in March, won the PDL (41.4%), was reelected mayor Daniela Contri who has never made any secret of his sympathies for Motorcity (which among other things, heal the public purse with the infrastructure costs):
"E 'a great opportunity for the City and land owners. Today there is a field of corn, pull off the polenta polenta ... ... Agriculture has great potential. " Maurizio
Fountains, president of the Province of Mantua (Pd), Motorcity instead is fighting against for years: "We are one of the most fertile areas of Italy, here are farmed for 17 percent of pigs, it produces 23 percent Grana Padano. Do you realize the impact that would have on our earth a hundred thousand people a day? ". Mantova, however, is in Lombardy. Within walking distance of Motorcity, but beyond the invisible line that divides regions. In short, it risks having to endure the decisions made in Venice.
Now everything hangs on an appeal to the TAR by Mantua. The line will Zaia. Nicolis Caesar meanwhile looks around, looks at the landscape or perhaps imagine the future landscape, with the towers of the Venetian countryside accompanied by the towers dell'autod ro m o.

May 8, 2010 - "the daily"

Monday, May 3, 2010

Competition Sighting Scope

Press Press Press

The CEI advocates the unification of Italy "E 'a treasure that belongs to everyone"

President Cardinal Bagnasco: "It should not be mistreated." Hard editorial on the website of the foundation of Luca di Montezemolo: "Against this league policy is too weak." Urso against the minister, "Fini has put a real problem"

ROME - More controversy on the words of Calderoli and its possible packages to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. 1 Before a tough editorial on the website of Futura Italy, 2 the foundation of Luca di Montezemolo. "It 's time to close the benevolence to the League's strategy. " Then a clear position of finiano Adolfo Urso. And finally, the admonition of the President of the CEI, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, "The unity of Italy is treasure for all, should not be mistreated"

Futura Italy. Write Carlo Calenda and Andrea Romano on the site of the foundation Futura Italy. "It's just the unprecedented weakness of our political history, its leaders and its ability to prospect, who delivered a party voted by 2,750,000 people (many of whom asked not only to see their money swallowed by increasingly unproductive government spending) the helm of the agenda politics and government of the i nter country. The other twenty million and goes to Italian League who did not vote are effectively held hostage by an organization remarkably cohesive and clear in its intentions that did not find any bank to the right or left of the political spectrum. In a normal country - they write Calenda and Romano - which Italy continues to be, the ambitions of the League would have been buried by a sense of responsibility to allies and adversaries and the legitimate needs of his constituents would find the answer in government other political forces. It did not happen yesterday and we fear that will not happen tomorrow either, even on the eve of the historic occasion of the 150th anniversary national unity. "

Finian against. The deputy minister also spoke Economic Development, Adolfo Urso. "It 's the proof that Fini has put a real problem, to the point that La Russa had to criticize the attitude of Calderoli, who apparently went too far. That's why the PDL must play a role not to control but to drive. " The celebration itself'''makes little sense. The anniversary should be the time to prepare the solutions, not just to raise the flag''said Calderoli. Statements that fuel the distrust of the Northern League to Finian. "We will put the league to the test, this does not we discount - added Urso -. So we've asked that the PDL should be the party leadership of the coalition, in the interests of national solidarity. "

Bondi defends Calderoli. Alongside Calderoli take sides but no ifs and buts culture minister, Sandro Bondi: "No dissociation, has only said that the best way to remember the unification of Italy is to achieve federalism."

www.repubblica.it taken from the May 3, 2010

Bangbroos Watch Movies

Rai / Cdr Rainews24: obscure Rai3 band canceled clear

Rome, May 3 (AP) - "The all-news channel Rai loses a historic area of \u200b\u200bclear visibility on Raitre from 7 to 7:30 today that on May 3 will be replaced with a program of the regional head." And 'what is said in a statement of Cdr.
"Another stroke while, despite the lack of adequate resources and means, Rainews24 - continues the Drafting Committee - continues to make great plays. We are the umpteenth proof of the absence of a publishing project for Rainews24. The picture becomes even more confusing with the rumors, but not denied, of 'tests of all-news' from the TGR. The confusion becomes total when Rai without stating the reasons change the name and logo of the channel by May 18 will be called only Rainews, losing the number '24 'which is now the hallmark of all news from all over Europe. "
"The CDR Rainews24 - continues the statement - once again calls on the Director General and Board of Directors of Rai clarify the role and mission of publishing all-news channel, and answers on the resources and means necessary to ensure competitiveness of the RAI on information to news, even in anticipation of the arrival of digital terrestrial and Sky News of the all-Mediaset. Faced with this guilty silence still think that the decisions are the Rai took no longer Viale Mazzini, but elsewhere. "

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Sims For Mac No Cd

Proposals Summer 2010

28 June to 3 July 2010

Three walks in the woods biblical
week Bible study with p. Jean-Louis Ska (Jesuit biblical scholar)
The seminar is intended as a training tool for those who look to the Bible Scripture as essential reference for their lives, for those employed in the educational ministry in parishes or schools, for those who can find in the Bible the "Great Code" on us Read our culture.

Where: "Casa Alpina Alpine Avenue of Stigmatine 11, Malosco (Trento)
Cost: € 10 entry, full board € 40/45 per day
Subscriptions: p. Claude Montolli t. 0742 510330 e-mail: claudiomontolli@tiscali.it
download program
29 August to 4 September 2010
Hearing the Word of God
week of spiritual exercises with Bishop Gualtiero Sigismondi (Bishop of Foligno)
Where: "Casa Alpina" the Stigmatines, 11 Alpine Avenue, Malosco (Trento)
Cost: € 10 registration, full board € 230/280
Subscriptions: p. Claude Montolli t. 0742 510330 e-mail: claudiomontolli@tiscali.it
download program

Fotos De Pessoas Nuas


"No more dams, Chile remains without water "
Bishop" green "to the shareholders Enel

interview with Bishop Luis Infanti *, edited by Giacomo Galeazzi

in "La Stampa" April 29, 2010

Bishop Infanti, because you, who is bishop of a distant city, Aysen, Patagonia Chile, part of Enel meeting today?

"Instances of the voiceless are ignored where it is decided: now condemned to silence my mouth to speak. In an illegal way the Constitution was launched in 1980 by Pinochet granted without a time limit of 80% of Chile to the English company Endesa, then bought by Enel. Not a referendum can change things. My diocese is Italy's third largest and, thanks to the glaciers, is the second largest reserve of freshwater in the world. The properties of 'blue gold ", however, is not just the citizens but Enel, now wants to build five huge hydroelectric dams to provide power to the mines of the North".

Why the Church is opposed?

"That Enel is a choice not respectful of nature, which I think embodies a neo-imperialist policy. In Latin America, 130 million people, 25% of the population, lack access to clean water. It 'a duty to oppose the destruction of the diocese created a misappropriation of a collective good, but also foreign interference, a modern form of colonization. The Italian government controls Enel, and holds a vital resource of Chile I hope that my request to meet with Berlusconi and Tremonti is carried, in the meantime I came to Rome to represent the popular protest at the meeting. "

He informed the Vatican?

"Unfortunately, the hierarchical Church in Chile is not very sensitive to environmental issues, so I forwarded directly to the Holy See my pastoral letter," Give us water everyday. " I have also spoken with the Pope in his visit "ad Limina" and I met Cardinal Bertone during And his trip to Chile 'a matter of absolute ethical and economic emergency. The rates have increased and the farmers are forbidden even to water the fields with water from rivers running through them. Enel in Chile can do whatever he wants. I am here to ask you to return the water to the Chilean and not to destroy the ecosystem of the Patagonia with dams. In Chile, the people can democratically protest what he wants, but then the decisions are in the hands of an elite. The bishops of Argentina's Patagonia are supporting us because the problem is worldwide. "

In what sense?

"The water is God's Private people of an essential element for life is a grave social sin. In the planet's fresh water is not lacking, but is poorly distributed due to the privatization of maximizing corporate profits and a social structure and economic policy that safeguards the interests of the powerful. Dams designed by Enel would produce energy for mines that are located 2,500 km away. We would only give, that is a devastating environmental impact. "

What is the alternative?

"The nationalization of water resources. Serve operational proposals, according to the "see, judge, act ". Management must involve the state, private and especially local communities. "

* Bishop Luis Infanti was born in Udine belongs to the Order of the Servants of Mary and 35 years living in Chile for 8 years and vicar bishop of Aysén.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Lower Stomach Hurts And Is Sore When Pressed

Bishops water and common goods

public water, no oil, recycling, protect the weak against the crisis. These are the themes of hard message issued by the bishops of Abruzzo and Molise. And on May 1 will be hundreds of banquets for the collection of signatures on the referendum water

The movement for common goods, such as what is collecting thousands of signatures for the referendum on water [May 1 will be a lot of banquets for the Labor Day], remains a complex and ever-expanding archipelago. Proof of this is this message of the bishops of Abruzzo and Molise [of which we publish excerpts], which is doing much to discuss.

"'As pastors of the Episcopal Conference Abruzzo-Molise feel they can not remain indifferent to the problems regarding the piece of land that has been entrusted. In recent years, in fact, the local area was the scene of hazardous environmental emergencies that pose a serious environmental risk to our region, always regarded as a green lung '. So we wrote, we Bishops of the Abruzzi and Molise, two years ago, July 25, 2008. If today's act again on the subject is always in the love of our people, to promote respect for the environment through a spirituality so watchful neighbor, being engaged in the adoration of the Creator ...

1. The first reference is to the threat that we were building the so-called Centro Oli Ortona. Our alarm has remained unheeded, to the point that the regional government passed a law to protect the territory against any activity considered among the most polluting natural resources, with serious consequences on the health of inhabitants. Unfortunately, this law has been contested at the national level because it is also involved in what regards the sea, matter which is not a regional matter. We hope that you activate an effective partnership between national government and the region in order to keep its commitments and protect both our land, because our water, resource and precious heritage of our people.

2. A further concern is the water, a common good whose enjoyment is a fundamental and inalienable right of all. We reiterate our concern about privatization plans for the management of this property, while addressing the urgent need for continuous and effective supervision by the Authority responsible for the quality of the water we drink. Also express our strong support for the use of renewable energy, clean, such as wind and solar, provided this is done in a respectful manner and in accordance with the environmental impact of the law. In this sense, the regional government is intervening too.

3. The garbage crisis looks increasingly worrisome. If we reiterate our willingness to cooperate through a network of parishes, education, waste collection, as well as to adopt lifestyles inspired by sobriety, we timeliness, organic, legality and clarity of action in this field by Competent authorities. There is indicated in particular the threat in some areas by inadequate disposal of toxic materials such as asbestos. We invite everyone to mobilize the moral and spiritual to keep up the vigilance and co-responsibility for the diagnosis and treatment of risks to be taken in this field.

4. The economic crisis and employment concerns us seriously ... Many families can not make ends meet and to the lack of employment gives rise to fear and despair than ever founded. For public leaders and entrepreneurs ask a burst of courage and generosity on all fronts: it's time to sacrifice for everyone, but it is right that a higher price is not paid the weakest, but who has more and more needs to invest for the common good. .... "

source Carta.org