Asylum Goito and institutional racism
of Joseph Civati \u200b\u200b- Ernesto Ruffini Maria
In the province of Mantua, Goito, the City Council, a center-right majority and led by a mayor of UDC area, has approved a regulation that provides for access to local public kindergarten only children from families who accept "the inspiration of the Christian life." The justification would be that "although the public kindergarten, has always been managed according to criteria which are based on Christianity." At this point in the case of those local administrators to provide brief instructions for the use of public affairs.
First, our Constitution prohibits discrimination on religious grounds (Article 3) and guarantees to all, without distinction, access to public education (Articles 33 and 34). The school in fact, as we recall the same constituents, should be an "open gym to all ideas" (priests), which should "come with peaceful mind," why should it be an "asylum of all consciousness e.. . of all citizens "(Marquis) and should be secular and" above all of confession "(Nenni).
Second, if the Constitution were not enough, to remind the councilors of the Consolidated Goito discriminatory immigration defines any behavior that involves "a distinction, exclusion or preference based on ... convictions and religious practices "(art. 43 Decree. No 286/1998) and the DL 122/1993 (Mancino law) punishes with imprisonment up to three years who" commit acts of discrimination on grounds ... religious' (Article 1).
Thirdly, the European Convention on Human Rights prohibits any discrimination based sula religion and requires states to respect cultural and religious identity of persons (Articles 21 and 22).
Fourth, what are the criteria that Christians would be inspired by the management of asylum City Goito? But the Gospel should not welcome and invite all to share? In the Gospel, about children, because children should go to kindergarten we are talking about, there is not written that "whoever welcomes one such child in my name receives me"? (Mt 18, 5). Now
advice to others, politicians (more or less) democratic: we must stop believing that it is harmless and insignificant outputs. In the words of Bobbio, we are faced with forms of institutional racism is not the case and you underestimate them, but to alert and to demand respect for the values \u200b\u200bon which our community is based. In the name of the respect that we have towards those who are different from us and from ourselves.
source: The unit - 25 February 2010,
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