Monday, March 29, 2010

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Thinking Thinking Thinking

Once upon a time ... the apartheid

'Apartheid' means 'separate development': in the old South Africa was to divide the country into regions (black and white - and then for mestizos and Indians), 'developing' regardless of ethnicity.

In reality, then, the most productive agricultural areas, mining areas were white, while the commercial ones were developed 'in between', in the white areas on the border with black ones, to allow access from both ' one than the other part.

buses were divided, the revenue split in the shops, the benches in parks, toilets, beaches of the sea, everything.

Verwoerd In 1975, the President inaugurated a new era with the establishment of the 'homelands' (= semi-independent areas, distributed according to ethnic groups: Batswana - Bapedi - Basotho - Zulu - Xhosa - Ndebele - Sell): each ethnic group had its own 'place' and the map of South Africa became a kind of 'collage' in which there were many spots corresponding to these islands. Eye of the ordinary citizen was as a leopard's back, a whitish background with many irregular black spots. It was decided to give these 'homelands' a name, a president, a government, a parliament, a flag ... to make them 'satellite states' ... the problem was that no foreign state never officially recognized the 'homelands'. The reality was that these presidents and governments were not the 'long arm' of the central government in Pretoria.

The practical consequences of the system were visible: Diversified salaries for whites and blacks (the same job were paid differently depending on the color of the skin), social facilities (hospitals, clinics, administration public, etc.). different way of planning the territory altogether. Then the chance that some of the white area and you seemed to be in Switzerland: villa with garden and swimming pool ... 20-30 - 40 km further: real slum, the first world and third world few miles away. Brits it was the most visible example, a rural town with all the amenities and artistic fountains - two kilometers many tin sheds for a few thousand people without water (except for a number of taps scattered in 'location') without drains (they used buckets that were withdrawn during the night) without light. A Legonyane in black area, 40 km to about by Brits, there was only one well to three thousand people, and people went to dig for water in the dry bed of the stream which flowed only during the rainy season.

To keep all this system had been developed a ruthless propaganda to justify it (even at the religious!), With a security service one of the most efficient in the world and separate education, where schools of ' blacks' were taught a little history and geography little to prevent someone look over ... (it was called 'Bantu Education System').

Apartheid was a complex phenomenon that is difficult to explain in a nutshell. The apartheid breathed ... became a way of thinking 'in black and white' you shut yourself in, whether you were white, whether you were black.

The parliament was divided and there were three rooms: for the whites, the mestizos and Indians residing in the country. No representation for the then national policy (if I remember correctly) 25 million Africans who had only local representatives in the 'homelands'.

... which fortunately ended.

When I arrived in South Africa in 1987, the situation was 'fruit' - would not have gone on for long. There was a lot of people paurafra a revolution and a civil war, as had happened in Rhodesia, who recently became Zimbabwe. The attacks 'terrorism' (as they were defined by the central government) were multiplying, the economic crisis due to the sanctions and the embargo was felt at all levels. The autocracy of South Africa could no longer survive in a world that was becoming globalized. In 1989 the then Interior Minister De Klerk together with the Foreign Minister, Pik Botha, the deposed President PW Botha who had had a paresis and indissero elections and wondered if the whites begin a process of change and democratization of South Africa. The majority said yes to change. The first result was the release of Mandela (February 11, 1990) and recognition of his party, the ANC and other parties which until then had been banned as a terrorist associations. Later in the referendum among whites in March '92, the journey started by De Klerk and Mandela was officially accepted. He then began with the Constitutional Assembly that was to re-write the Constitution .

The Commission Truth and Reconciliation (Truth and Reconciliation Commission - TRC)

President De Klerk, in the transition from old system to the new South Africa, said an amnesty was issued to all officials of the old system that had been stained with crimes against humanity in the name of the old ideology. Civil society said no. Then there was the danger of a repetition of what happened after 1945 in Germany with the Nazi criminals who were scattered all over the world. We wanted to solve the problem within the country. The discussion that followed revealed the desire to establish a committee consisting of representative members of the law and the church that would help in national reconciliation. It was understood that the simple process of legal justice is not enough: we need a spiritual renewal and moral sense. It was necessary, first of all, establish the truth of the facts and begin a process of inner healing of the nation. It was decided that the committee was made up of 17 members and chaired by Nobel prize for peace, the Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu. Victims and survivors were invited to tell their stories. The criminals to seek amnesty in a process of self-incrimination.

was clearly a step beyond retributive justice: the 'punishment' imposed were never 'right' in this sense: the criminals fared with a 'fool' the public and the victims had the satisfaction of witnessing their suffering. Compensation and refunds were made only to those who were suffering economically because of the crimes of the old system, the poorest, and this creates problems of popularity of the Commission. But the Commissioners are asked: 'How much does a man's life? You can make a tariff? ' How much could cost - for example - the hands of that Anglican minister who received a letter bomb by the security department of the then Ministry of the Interior and lost forever?

about 22.500 cases were opened and closed and this, unexpectedly (it was a miracle!) Led to a deep inner healing of both victims and perpetrators of crimes. It is understood that evil was done and was irreversible and was priceless. We had to go over, turn the page, start a new chapter. Do not forget, but to ensure that the memory is no longer a source of revenge and this is the true reconciliation.

The TRC can be seen in human history as a great story of justice and an example to rebuild a nation from within. The legal philosophers, jurists and historians judge from their point of view. With the people, the TRC has played a key role in national reconciliation and the re-opening the future of South Africa, a nation 'rainbow' formed by several large ethnic groups.

The example of the TRC was then exported to Rwanda, Burundi, Ivory Coast and Israel with various results. But the TRC in my opinion is a clear example

implementation of the famous Gospel saying: 'the truth shall make you free'.

The political justice in South Africa was achieved in 1994 with the first democratic elections and the presidency Mandela. The economic and social justice are still difficult to build. But the transition from the old to the new South Africa is a great model of integration for all humanity.

of p. Stefano Senaldi , Stigmatine, has lived in South Africa 17 years

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Maria Vittoria Adami

Championships World Cup in South Africa this year will have a special meaning.
In 2010 it is celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the release of Nelson Mandela and the beginning the path of abatement policy of apartheid, which divided the black population than white in a systematic way, in 1948. Recalling also the atmosphere experienced in 1995 during the Rugby World Cup in South Africa, won by the home team and celebrated film by Clint Eastwood, Invictus. Then the sporting event was an opportunity to meet and removal of barriers and the South African victory was enriched by a multitude of meanings.
was a memorable moment, which may return with the World Cup: a chance to teach younger generations the futility of separation, with the Afrikaans language expressed by the term "apartheid" in fact. Let
inspiration integration and unity for the future was also the intent of the conference on Saturday, organized by the Commonwealth of Sezano Stimmatinic on Redan (the network of black African Diaspora in Italy), Pangea-House of cultures and CISL: 1990-2010, 20 years after the end of apartheid in South Africa. Beginning of the path of freedom and dignity.
The day has reviewed the crucial moments of the construction and dismantling of the separation policy, adopted by the victory of the Nationalist Party of South Africa. Today s'inorridisce front of that body of law that classified citizens by racial groups: the white minority, blacks African (Bantu) and colored (a mixed descent). Yet the ban on race relations, the ban blacks from public places, types of work or school is not far away on the timeline. The black population without political representation, has lived confined to certain areas, up to twenty years ago. The voice of social conscience and anger was the preserve of writers and poets. There were opponents of apartheid, gathered under the African National Congress (ANC), founded in 1912 and led in the mid-twentieth century, from Nelson Mandela. The action was a response to their persecution and installation of a police state. In 1960, a long series of protests culminated the Sharpeville massacre and the banning of all black political organizations. Demonstrations, strikes and clashes continued for the Seventies. There followed a decade of reforms that allowed the representatives
black (75 percent of the population) to organize and carry out a limited political activity.
But the constitutional recognition - in 1984 - only a representation of Asians and colored (not black), strengthening the climate of tension, projecting the bad example the South African international level. In 1990, President Frederick de Klerk revoked, so the ban on ANC and freed its leader, Nelson Mandela, imprisoned for 25 years. With the latter, in 1993 signed an agreement on the modalities of the transition to democracy in South Africa. At first free elections in 1994, Mandela was released first black president in the history of South Africa.
It closed a chapter of recent history and far away from the perception of the democratic world. His witnesses today are alive and young and can tell what they saw, blacks and whites, each from his point of view, "to leave - says the director of South Africa Embassy in Rome, Dancan Sebefelo Mobel - a common history of tragedy but also triumph. "

"I was there, I am there"
Testimonials black and white

Franco Marangoni 's Italian name, white skin and blond-red hair. It is South African. Born 33 years ago by Italian immigrant parents in the sixties in South Africa, speaks Italian flawed foreign accent. Childhood, adolescence and youth were spent in Africa, apartheid child viewer.
"It seems strange, almost impossible, to have lived. I attended a multi-ethnic school, because they were expensive private. However school education for blacks was inferior.
The separation was something that breathes and you understood. One day, coming home from school, at home with my parents saw some fathers Stigmatine. With them, the black driver. I looked at my mom and said: "There is a black man in the living room." It was an unusual for me, even though many black people were part of my life and I were fond of. I was not used to the image of a black man sitting in the living room drinking coffee. "
"Another time, at school, there was a bomb threat. They made us evacuate. Then we returned, I was afraid to return. Police time to inspect the building and left only a policeman and a dog. I also remember the signs in the bathrooms of the rooms, on beaches and in hotels, places for white people and the living area reserved for the black population: a shanty town with nearby military installations. Degraded area, which contrasted with the rich across the street. They took us on a trip there once. I always saw through the window of my father's factory, but I have never been inside. There were no sidewalks, while we were concrete and green lawns. There were piles of garbage and a bathroom that was used for the whole neighborhood. A tap every few houses. At the end of the Eighties felt that things were changing. During the referendum of March 1992, for the white population, stuck to the television at school, during breaks between classes, looking at the results: 68 percent was in favor of reforms to bring down apartheid. Unforgettable the Rugby World Cup 1995. The sport united the people, it was like a fairy tale for the victory and the celebrations of South Africa was wonderful.

Councillor of Multilateral Affairs of South Africa Embassy in Rome, Dancan Mobel Sebefelo , spent the apartheid on the other side of the border, but in his words there is above all hope for the future . "The testimony of Franco Marangoni is important. Who now says "I do not I had seen or understood, "answer the memories of a child who saw the abnormal situation dictated by apartheid. Those who wanted to see the truth, he saw her. We were separated in a systematic way. " "When Mandela was released, we were full of youthful enthusiasm. It seemed a step too far and we young people thought to resolve the issue with the armed uprising, had a small vision. But he answered with forgiveness. "
"Apartheid was a system crash, Barbara. One wonders why he was not opposed to anything done, because it was cheap as a politician. For the benefits it produced was the interest in doing so remain standing. After 1994 and Journal of Mandela's speech, democracy was established and started a new way of doing things. We have made progress: a new Constitution and a Bill of Rights has protected the freedom of man. We have built Equality, made housing for the disadvantaged, provided the work, education and health. Within fifteen years has sought integration and youth have a bright future ahead. There was a profound progress, although we have enormous challenges ahead, starting the economy. Our flag is a symbol of negotiation, has beautiful color and unites us all. We are proud to be not just an example, but also a cultural and political success, an inspiration for other communities. "

source of Verona Fedele 28.03.2010

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The TG1 has censored the 150,000 Milan

letter of protest to Free

So TG1 betrays the role of the Public Service

President Al Rai Paul Garimberti
The Board of Directors of Rai
and copied to the National Federation of the Italian Press
the editorial board of Tg 1

Freedom of Information Foundation firmly condemns the shameful way in where Tg 1, the main newspaper of the Public Service Television, dealt with the Day of Remembrance and Commitment in memory of the Victims of the Mafia, which was held in Milan on March 20 at the initiative of Free and Public Notice.

edition of the Tg 1 13:30 ignored the event, while that of the 20:00 news items has put a less than thirty seconds, covered by generic images in the queue on the news and even after the news Extraction of the lot.

has ignored so offensive and so grotesque a large procession of 150,000 people (figures quoted by the press of opinion as to the Corriere della Sera and La Stampa), which took place in the heart of Milan, filling the square Cathedral, in memory of the Victims of the Mafia, hundreds of families to report the advance of the criminal interests that endanger democracy.

The Tg 1 has failed the fundamental duty to represent reality in the completeness of the information and the role of Rai as a public service funded by all citizens.

Roberto Morrione
Foundation President Free Information

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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Press Review Press Review

The CEI "highly improper" change the rules in race
Marco Tosatti

Domenico Mogavero, Bishop of Mazara del Vallo and President for Legal Affairs of the CEI, interviewed by Vatican Radio the latest developments in critical mess lists

Changing the rules of the game running is 'highly improper' supports Bishop Domenico Mogavero, Bishop of Mazara del Vallo and President for Legal Affairs of the CEI, an interview with Vatican Radio, "Democracy is a beautiful form of people's participation in public life, but it is a fragile reality that needs to be supported and accompanied by rules and regulations, because otherwise we can no longer orient - said Monsignor Mogavero - If the result of arbitrariness of someone or if it should be improvised every day, lack of research reports, and legal perspectives. The rules are not an accidental aspect of living together, but said the track on which set out to finalize the democracy. "
The chaos of the electoral roll for the Regional in Lazio and Lombardia, which is being held in bank these days - that Monsignor Mogavero has defined, with Napolitano's words "a mess" - and the resulting decree "safe-lists" have led to "a condition in which the value of the holding is not challenged by compliance with the rules, which are a guarantee for the protection of all. Changing the rules of the game while the game is already in place is highly improper on the part of all, because it legitimizes any arbitrary action on the grounds that the reasons more or less relevant or intrinsic value at stake, the value of participation. "& # 160;
"There have been carelessness, and shortcomings in dealing with the democratic game approximations that are not in favor of anyone - even Monsignor Mogavero added in the interview, broadcast on 5 March, the day of approval Decree - Maybe this means that we are unprepared for substantive democracy. We feed words such as "participation" and "consensus", then when this conflicts with something that penalizes us, we call upon other values \u200b\u200band other improvised solutions to repair the faults of those who have improvised and wrong. "

source of 7.marzo.2010

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Appeal on Family Christian prelates of the border against "collusion and corrupt"
Da Don Mogavero Riboldi of the proposals also an "electoral strike"

Mafia, the protest of the bishops of South
"No religious festivals in the towns colluded"


PALERMO - Enough with the timidity of the Church, enough political support to come to terms with the crime, enough of the false piety of the mafia. After the document of the CEI on the south, the bishops are on the field with two strong proposals in the trenches: an "electoral strike" that highlights the inadequacy of the political class and the abolition of religious holidays in countries where crime reigns mafia. From Locri
Acerra, Mazara del Vallo in Agrigento: the bishops of the border speak the columns of the Christian family and make self-criticism for the timidity of the clergy. So Dominic Mogavero, Bishop of Mazara del Vallo and president of the Council for Legal Affairs of the Italian Bishops Conference, fears of a Church "icon antimafia," which raises the individual from their responsibilities and throw down the gauntlet to leave no dead letter, the recent document Cei of the South. "If no one will speak after Easter, we will have failed. Even in our community - he says - should reflect on the terrible sense of the word cited in the document: collusion. " Monsignor Mogavero, who recently had spoken harshly on the decree for the release of lists of the PDL for the regional and the laws ad personam, is now inviting the faithful to demonstration: "Every community - offers - choose a topic related to the situation of its territory and to act: lace, wear, political corruption, mafia devoted to providing money for the festivals." Invite a strike instead
Don Riboldi election. "Now it's up to us - says the bishop of Acerra - Politicians need to say or listen to our voice, or do not vote anymore. Christians must wake up in the South. Today I am continually assisted. The South is not Italy, now we can say that an area is annexed. It will be ugly, but it is. In 50 years in the South I saw only words and errors: born and death factories, agricultural land devastated tourism abandoned. The mafia had fertile ground plowed by the State and a system of corruption and collusion set with extraordinary efficiency. And people has suffered and has resigned. " Don Riboldi not spare harsh criticism for representatives of the institutions: "The culture of lawlessness has been disseminated by the State. And I do not see that his comfort those who have contributed to the logic of corruption is proposing a law against it. The Camorra dominates the hearts and minds. It prevents kids from going to school, because she wants to educate them. Yet we cut funds to the school. We must cut the bridges, even those among our churches and the mafia culture, which often proves to be pious. " A concept that is very dear to the Bishop of Agrigento, Francesco Montenegro, the one that took the Magi at Christmas crib from leaving the message: "rejected at the border" as illegal immigrants. Today he says: "Abolish all religious feasts in countries where there are murders. The sacred is not enough to be considered good if none then the complaint and the mafia culture is the only one admitted. "And Giuseppe Morosini, bishop of Locri, admits responsibility:" We must be clear, also the responsibility of a church sometimes too timid. "

source Of 10.marzo.2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

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The bishops want new political

of Marcello Sorgi

By itself, a document mafia of the Bishops Conference of the bishops would not be big news. And 'since 1989 that the complaint of the degradation imposed by organized crime in the territories that monitors ceased to be the heritage of courageous priests and bishops (some of which have lost his life), to find documents in place of the episcopate.

But the way in which the IEC yesterday returned to the topic deserves to be analyzed for other reasons. In addition to marking an escalation in power and processing economic mafias, the bishops say that the ruling classes of the South are inadequate to tackle them. Possible, especially in these times. But it so happens that the south, where I also play the biggest game of the elections of 28 March, to be administered almost exclusively by the center, and in this sense, the IEC document can also be read as a call for a replacement, however, released one month after the vote.

As always in this kind of intervention, there is in the stance of bishops, a direct boost to the alternative, however, that the South is difficult given the number of contiguity also present in the center with criminal organizations. And if you follow the thread speech began some time ago, on the understanding that the document damage more administrations of the center, one can not overlook the fact that the IEC is insisting for some time, more generally, on the need to prepare a new leadership for the country, closer to Catholic values, to make the replacement of the current one that shows obvious signs of wear.

approach, it in fact does not necessarily implies a choice of field. Rather, it could also be targeted for other purposes, beginning with the choice of candidates to be included in the lists which should be completed this week. Beyond the negative opinion about who is currently in government in the South, is as if the bishops press on political parties, all parties, so far only pledged to clean on the choice of candidates to convince them to give an actual proof of renewal. And it is as if this call was directed, together with the political forces and their voters to choose them, regardless of factions, only candidates reliable, and able to ensure their strangeness to the political-mafia. That the bishops now appears as one, and seems to share the same objectives, contrary to the interests of the community.

Source: - 02/25/2010

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Press Press Press

"Wrong to ban Islamic places of worship"

Elena Zuppini

Verona. At the entrance mint tea, offered in a welcoming, air sounds Arabs clergyman in the audience mixed with Islamic headgear. It had all the ingredients of "atmosphere" on Monday evening at the theater Estimate Citadel Square for an evening of discussion and dialogue, that the group "The 2facce-young Muslims and Christians on a journey ', in collaboration with the associations' The Desert flourish "and" Monastery of the common good "and the Islamic Council of Verona. But above all there was much substance.

Beginning in the speakers' table, where sat Hamza Roberto Piccardo, Liguria, who converted to Islam in 1975 and one of the founders Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations in Italy (UCOII), and father Paul Dall'Oglio, a Jesuit, prior of the monastery of Mar Musa Syria, where he landed in August 2006 a group of young Veronese, who are the same looking, with their peers faithful to Islam, even in their hometown to build an atmosphere of harmony between Muslims and Christians who have breathed in the monastic community in the desert. That's because last night was the third public meeting of the association, but over the years has been acted out the dialogue with reciprocal visits to places of worship and moments.

The meeting was opened with the passionate story of the pilgrimage Piccardo in Mecca, which took place in late November, after the first 22 years. An obligation for the faithful Muslim, to meet at least once in their life, if their means allow, as it represents the fifth pillar of Islam. Even at Mar Musa, a monastery nestled among the rocks on the desert hills north of Damascus, many pilgrims come each day, Muslims and Christians, "all drawn from the same voltage of Abraham to God," said Father Dall'Oglio.

But soon the theme of the evening, the pilgrimage in fact, has given way to the issue of religious freedom of Muslims in Italy. "Do not be denied the right guaranteed worldwide to have a place to pray for the mere quibbles bureaucratic, "said Picard. "Sometimes I'll see you deny the opening of a mosque or to impose the closure because the place is a few meters lower than those established by law, or perhaps because the carpets are not fireproof: I assure you, nobody in the mosques do not smoke! Give us time, "he continued," we are a community socially and politically weak, no one comes to visit during the election campaign to garner votes ... We ask only a little 'understanding'.

Piccardo told of a Muslim community that it is closing more and more dangerous in itself. "80% of the books that I sell as a publisher," he said, "are bought by Muslims to explain, through the gift of them, who we are. Not with the intention to convert, this does not concern us because God does what he wants, but let us know beyond what the media write and the fears that afflict politicians. After 2000, this effort to communicate with the outside world has failed: I notice the big drop in sales that I had. The community is collapsing on itself, because it believed to protect. "

"You can win elections tickling the lowest instincts of the people (provided then you can steer)," Dall'Oglio father spoke, "but you may also want to build communities on the common good and this gives by far the best results. What is certain is that fear of Islam produces an Islam that is scary. "

The Jesuit did not even spare "some local Catholic spiritual leaders, who first launched politically correct messages, then recommended not to grant the prayer rooms for Muslims, because we must stop them. In this way there is nothing that ghetto: the elite retreat, and what remains is the most fragile part of the Muslim population, the most dangerous because the most willing to give in to anger. And the reasons there are a lot of anger here in Italy and elsewhere in the world. Only a mosque in the light of the sun produces harmony and prosperity. "

Source: Arena - 24/02/2010

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"Mafia and corruption paralyzed the South"

Andrea Tornielli

The "cancer" of the Mafia, corruption and widespread forms of illegality, "evil mechanisms" or "simply unhealthy" in the administration of public affairs, the inadequacies "in the present ruling classes" paralyze development of the South "the whole political and economic landscape nationally and internationally" it is turning "in a manifold votes for political and economic designs unrelated to its development. "
is a strong complaint contained in the document For a country united. Italian Church and the South, released yesterday by the CEI after a long gestation. A document that asks you to invest in education of youth and civil society calls for a renewed leadership. The bishops devote much space to the Mafia in their analysis, but they explain that "the illegal economy" in the South is not identified totally with the Mafia, "it is unfortunately widespread illegal activities are not always linked to criminal organizations, but equally destructive," as "usury, extortion, tax evasion and undeclared work. This reveals - explains the CEI - "a lack of civic sense, undermining both the quality of social is that of political and institutional life, again causing a serious injury to the economic, social and cultural. "
Echoing the condemnation voiced in the past, but without explicit reference to the excommunication of members, the Church defines the Italian mafia, "a true cancer," a "texture that wraps evil and enslaving the dignity of the person", which contaminates the social life , perverts the minds of many young people and stifles the economy.
"The underworld control of the territory - it reads - leads to a strong limitation, if not all'esautoramento authority of the state and public bodies, to promote higher of corruption, collusion and extortion, altering the labor market, manipulating contracts, interfering in land use decisions and the system of permits and licenses, so contaminating the whole country. " The bishops write that the last two decades, "the mafias, which have taken root throughout the Italian 'economic activities by developing techniques and methods of the most advanced capitalism. The CEI calls "a specific educational intervention, from an early age, so that the mafia is seen as a role model" and the document defines gangs as "structures of sin". There's also a mention of self-critical when you remember that ' Churches have yet to transpose to the end of the lesson prophetic witness and example of John Paul II died for justice, "given that" many seem to succumb to the temptation not to speak of the problem or just talk about it as an ancient evil and invincible. "
also merciless analysis on Southern politics, "Institutional change resulted in a direct election of mayors, presidents of the provinces and regions, has not undermined simply unhealthy or perverse mechanisms in the administration of public affairs, nor has it produced those benefits that a more direct democracy in land management would have liked. " And "the urgent need to overcome inadequacies in the present ruling classes "brings the bishops to advocate a new class of lay Christians committed to helping young people" to embrace politics as a service to the common good. "
The document - which also gives attention to immigration, unemployment, the status of women - it addresses the issue of federalism, which would be "a defeat for all 'if it accentuated the distance between different parts of Italy, but that could be "a substantial step towards democracy 'if' solidarity, unity and realistic."

source: - February 25, 2010

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Asylum Goito and institutional racism

of Joseph Civati \u200b\u200b- Ernesto Ruffini Maria

In the province of Mantua, Goito, the City Council, a center-right majority and led by a mayor of UDC area, has approved a regulation that provides for access to local public kindergarten only children from families who accept "the inspiration of the Christian life." The justification would be that "although the public kindergarten, has always been managed according to criteria which are based on Christianity." At this point in the case of those local administrators to provide brief instructions for the use of public affairs.

First, our Constitution prohibits discrimination on religious grounds (Article 3) and guarantees to all, without distinction, access to public education (Articles 33 and 34). The school in fact, as we recall the same constituents, should be an "open gym to all ideas" (priests), which should "come with peaceful mind," why should it be an "asylum of all consciousness e.. . of all citizens "(Marquis) and should be secular and" above all of confession "(Nenni).

Second, if the Constitution were not enough, to remind the councilors of the Consolidated Goito discriminatory immigration defines any behavior that involves "a distinction, exclusion or preference based on ... convictions and religious practices "(art. 43 Decree. No 286/1998) and the DL 122/1993 (Mancino law) punishes with imprisonment up to three years who" commit acts of discrimination on grounds ... religious' (Article 1).

Thirdly, the European Convention on Human Rights prohibits any discrimination based sula religion and requires states to respect cultural and religious identity of persons (Articles 21 and 22).

Fourth, what are the criteria that Christians would be inspired by the management of asylum City Goito? But the Gospel should not welcome and invite all to share? In the Gospel, about children, because children should go to kindergarten we are talking about, there is not written that "whoever welcomes one such child in my name receives me"? (Mt 18, 5). Now

advice to others, politicians (more or less) democratic: we must stop believing that it is harmless and insignificant outputs. In the words of Bobbio, we are faced with forms of institutional racism is not the case and you underestimate them, but to alert and to demand respect for the values \u200b\u200bon which our community is based. In the name of the respect that we have towards those who are different from us and from ourselves.

source: The unit - 25 February 2010,

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Press Press Press

The CEI against the use of electoral Immigration

I hope the Italian bishops, in a statement that the forthcoming local elections in Italy 'is a' important occasion because the issues of social justice and inclusion, return to center programs and local policies, avoiding the issue of immigration is being used for electoral purposes and ideologically biased. "
The Bishops' Conference also reaffirms that it is "inappropriate and erroneous ruling any criminalization of immigrants."
The statement of the bishops, signed by the Episcopal Commission for Migration (CEMI) and the Fondazione Migrantes Osservatore Romano was published today under the title "The integration back to the center of local politics." In the note, the bodies of the CEI also urged to "a commitment to education and social world of the Catholic laity, because the issue of immigration is at the center of town and the life of our city."
continue then the sparks on the relationship between immigration and crime: the CEMI and Fondazione Migrantes reiterate what has already been highlighted by the Secretary of the CEI, Mgr. Marian Crusade, the fact that there is no connection between immigration and crime and, "therefore, is improper and erroneous ruling any criminalization of immigrants." In addition, there is still in the press, dall'apposito chapter of Caritas-Migrantes Dossier of 2009 (extrapolating complaints against well-known authors and equating age groups between Italians and the actual number of immigrants) show a similar crime rate among Italians and foreign residents.

source: - 18.02.2010

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Church and Southern Italy: 'Development in the cohesion' of

Lorenzo Rosoli

The "cancer" of mafias. The inadequacy of the ruling classes. The environmental destruction. Unemployment, illegal work, the poverty of families, emigration of young people. But the mix of modernization and uncritical "ancient seeds" of the family and dell'omertà: how many wounds in the flesh the dramatic problems of the South - the Italian bishops denounce - aggravated by the economic crisis and the 'individual and corporate self-interest' grown throughout the country, which threaten "to cut off the South from the channels of redistribution of resources by making it a collector of drawings votes for its foreign political and economic development." But it is not bad the last word. In Church and society of the South are of social resources, culture, spirituality, which encourage the hope of redemption over 'any form of resignation and fatalism. " A redemption that takes power from the 'Christian humanism ", recognizes the" educational challenge "as" priority inevitable "and solidarity in federalism has an effective tool.

Between teaching and "witnesses".
Just an invitation "to the courage and hope," concludes the document of the CEI For a country united. Italian Church and the South , released yesterday (full text at the center of the newspaper), which incorporates' reflection on path of solidarity in our country, "twenty years after the publication of the document in solidarity Development (1989) and in the light of the conference Church in the South, South Churches (Naples, 12-13 February 2009). The document opens by reviewing the emerging 'old and new "in the South and in the second section, to cultivate hope , the bishops point out to resources and expressions of the' new leading role of civil society and the ecclesial community" (as the Project Policoro ), the third section, resources of reciprocity and care for the education , focuses on mission and role of the community Church. Pages full of quotes and references. The Church's social doctrine, first, but also to those witnesses and that teachers by word and life have opened up spaces of prophecy and deliverance: the children of the South as Pino Puglisi, Giuseppe Diana, Rosario Livatino, Luigi Sturzo , Aldo Moro. And the "fathers" who came from afar as the John Paul II May 9, 1993, in the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, said the final word on the Mafia.

The new issue of the South.
A move is the reflection of the bishops' declaration of the continuing problem of the South "that today, as twenty years ago, called the Italian Church to the" inescapable duties of social solidarity and ecclesial communion. " The "people of the South" are "the protagonists of their own, but this does not remove the duty of solidarity with the entire nation," said John Paul II in 1995 at the Ecclesial Convention of Palermo. What has changed in recent decades?
The political geography, the system of representation in the governance of local authorities, the commencement of the privatization of public enterprises, the loss of the system of state holdings, the end of the extraordinary intervention of the Cassa del Mezzogiorno ("we do not want to forget positive aspects, "the bishops underline). Also: many migrants from Africa, Asia, South East Europe have found in the 'first port of hope, "and the South is the" school in the Church that you try, "after having given aid and acceptance," a path of justice and human and a meeting with the religions professed by immigrants and refugees. "

The challenge of federalism solidarity.
The reality of the South, the bishops write, is that of an "arrested development" in which aid does not always get that "help" really, where the direct election of local administrators "did not unhinged or simply perverse mechanisms in unhealthy ' administration of public affairs' where the condition Women still suffer discrimination and exclusion, while there are women rose to the top of the Mafia, where eco-mafia, agricultural crisis, the fragility of the territory and the economy put more mortgages on the road to redemption and prevent the South to take on the role that competes in the heart of the Mediterranean and Europe. These emergencies are calling for a "federal solidarity, and realistic unit" capable of empowering the South strengthening the unity of the country: a critical horizon, on the eve "of the 150th anniversary of national unity."

Mafia structure of sin.
Organized crime now branched across the country, "can not and should not dictate the timing and pace of the economy and politics south, became the medium of any type of brokerage and undermining the country's democratic system." "The gangs are the most dramatic configuration of evil and sin," the bishops write: not merely "an expression of religiosity distorted" but "structures of sin ',' brutal and devastating forms of rejection of God and misunderstanding of the true religion '.
"Only the decision to convert and to reject the Mafia mentality can really get out ', at the cost of" suffer violence and sacrifice. It must be recognized - the bishops admit - That the churches have yet to transpose to the end of the lesson prophetic witness and example of Pope John Paul II died for justice. "

Education and redemption.
in society and the Church there are cultural and spiritual resources for the journey of redemption. The Church, in particular, is with "those who fight for justice in the forefront in the footsteps of the Gospel and work to raise," said Benedict XVI as September 7, 2008 in Cagliari, "a new generation of lay Christians" in the service of common good. Aware of being "a factor of development and cohesion" Social, the Church feels called to the educational challenge and transformation of consciousness, witnessing the style of sharing and communion, first in-house. The problem of development is not just economic: it is "ethical, cultural, anthropological." Thus the Church is committed to "food constantly human and spiritual resources" to invest in the "culture of the common good, citizenship, law, good governance and sound business in the rejection of lawlessness."
Now: "The need to invest in trust law and calls for pastoral action that seeks to erase the gap between religious practice and civil life and inspire you to a better understanding of the social teaching of the Church, which helps to combine the proclamation of the Gospel through the witness of the works of justice and solidarity. "

Source: Future of 24.02.2009