Thanks for organizing last night "room" for young people in front of square Cenzo .. We have taken great
Teach and was inspired by questions from students that will allow us to make reflections on dafarsi and made us aware of how many of our goals closely dovetailed with each other.
We believe that in addition to sterile speeches that leave the time that they find the facts that the mayors have set out four candidates will be screened Monday evening by those present to make the decision with their vote and support one or the other list.
We hope to have given a strong signal of the will of its wish to continue our growth plan, having left the floor for almost the entire meeting to one of our representatives more 'close to the themes of youth ....
Only with the facts as to empower and give voice to our nominee director Mauro Cederle you can 'demonstrate its determination in implementing our wills ....
be close to young people showing off starting with those who represent us on this path ....
concretely, projects, activities and chat with sterile as good speakers as long as you are leaving, especially because the country needs at this difficult time of the foundation from which to depart and not on dreams which are now no longer is' prepared to hold on ...
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