(ANSA) - Caserta, 31 MAY - At Caserta, the Union will look to beat the compact center in the second round of 11 and 12 June. As announced in the election campaign, have reiterated today during a meeting with journalists, the center-left candidate for mayor of Nicodemus Petteruti, six of which are already linked lists, and Gianfranco Alois, claimed the first round by Margherita, Ds, Udeur and a civic list. "We face a runoff, and combined with optimism - debuted Petteruti - because the Pole showed all his weakness with a mayoral candidate who has registered about 1200 approval in less than reported from the lists. We, however, as we center achieved a historic result, with over 55% of the votes and, therefore, a clear majority. We are confident - said Petter - to win back in less than two weeks Castropignano Palace. " To Gianfranco Alois "the 'two bits' Union deployed to Caserta allowed to obtain a conclusive result: to be a majority consensus on the right and reduce from 63% a few years ago to 47% of the vote. On behalf of all the forces of Centre who have supported me, I am ready to commit myself to give maximum support to Petteruti to center the only goal of the Union since the beginning of this campaign: beat the center and return to the city government. " Full agreement between Petter and Alois on the strategy in this second round of voting: "E 'in place an ongoing consultation among the parties of the Union - announced in unison - to fulfill all obligations, including technical, necessary to formalize a seemingly in substance already exists and is fully shared by the coalition. "(ANSA).
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