Thursday, May 25, 2006

Dyslexia Rates In Other Languages

PETTER: "DA BERLUSCONI NOT A WORD ON CASERTA, E 'was yet another catwalk and unproductive"

Declaration of winning candidate for mayor of Union Primary, Nicodemus Petteruti, on a visit to Caserta former prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi:
"I note with regret, news agencies and news reports, that this time the visit to Caserta, the former prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, is has resulted in an unnecessary and unproductive self-congratulatory catwalk. All spoke about the former prime minister - even Maradona, passing the contempt charges that reach the highest echelons of the state - except in Caserta. I'm not saying either of the projects or programs that the government of the center would have in mind for the city, it would be too. There was, however, even a ride on what or what should be a city that aspires to the South recover from a crisis affecting every sector, dall'insipienza of a politico-administrative class in the last nine years and has just released a royal favoritism to a select few, degradation caused by the absence environmental policies. Berlusconi has a thing about Caserta said, the truth will win in the first round. He lost another good opportunity to sit silent, venturing a prediction impossible. Finally, remember to voters that the last time Berlusconi was here was to present the candidature of Louis Falco. The result of that indication we all know, I leave the conclusions to you voters. "


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