Tuesday, May 30, 2006

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(ANSA) LOCAL: CASERTA, Petter, 80 votes more 'and ballot

ANSA (POL) - 30/05/2006 - 12:03.
MUNICIPAL: CASERTA, Petter, 80 votes more 'and ballot
AS THE PRIMARY CANDIDATE BEATS OTHER center ALOIS (ANSA) - Caserta, 30 MA - He repeated his success of primaries on March 12 and will 'to contest the seat he now mayor of Caserta the candidate of the Casa delle Liberta ', prefect Pauline Maddaloni, stopping to 45.4 percent. Nicodemus Petteruti supported by the president of the Province, Sandro de Franciscis Fist da Rosa, Italy of Values, Greens, Communist Refoundation and PDC and two civic lists -''Caserta and 'freedom''and''Youth for Caserta''- won, for a margin of 80 votes, in what have been defined in Caserta''additional''primary, the other candidate of the center, Gianfranco Alois (Petteruti 14,457 votes, 27.5%, 14 375 (27 , 1%) for Alois). The victory in the primaries of March 12 Petter had been questioned by Democrats, Margherita and Udeur, which, despite controversy and distinctions within the Union itself decided not to legitimize his success, little more 'than 30 votes on the former regional minister to the activities' of production, Gianfranco Alois, proposing and supporting the latter as a candidate for mayor of Caserta. The decision has caused controversy and divisions within the center, which should, so 'as stated in the election campaign by the protagonists of the struggle, compacted around the name of the Union's candidate on the ballot next June 11. (ANSA). W03-MS 30-May-06 24:02 NNN

Saturday, May 27, 2006

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"The support of myself and the Greens to Nicodemus Petter and support not only the quality of the person but is a support for a principle of the method. We believe that as Verdi who wins the primaries of the center is also the candidate of the coalition support. " Said Environment Minister Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, during a meeting with the mayoral candidate of the Union's primary winner Nicodemus Petteruti and candidates for the municipal council of the Greens. I support a few minutes later also confirmed by the Minister of Public Works Antonio di Pietro, who greeted Petteruti and candidates on the list of Italy of Values. "I support the method and the law - said Minister Di Pietro - because parties must enter into dialogue with the people and be close people and are therefore happy that Italy of Values, in the primary had supported the other candidate of the coalition, with one voice decided to act in a way that is indicated in our state and that is to respect the rules. If you choose the rules the result is, then, following the rules chosen. Otherwise, as happened in football happens: you make the rules and then rigged the games. I would not like that here in Caserta we were facing the same situation and that you change the rules in the course depending on who wins. I have also participated in the primary of the Union, and now I have lost one of the strongest supporters of Prodi. At Caserta the people of the center-left voters has made a choice of field, "concluded Di Pietro - and I feel the duty to respect this choice, claiming the winning candidate for mayor of Union Primary Petteruti Nicodemus."

Thursday, May 25, 2006

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The winning candidate for mayor of Union Primary, Nicodemus Petteruti, ending his campaign tonight at 20:00, on stage at the Teatro Izzo to ward Acquaviva. The choice fell on the structure of the densely populated district in demonstration of the program of the candidate gave to the suburbs. But there are various initiatives that will characterize the last day for the election campaign of a candidate for mayor. 11.00 to 13.00, in fact, many street artists - including stilt walkers, clowns and fire eaters - will invade with their touch of joy in the streets of the historic center. From 18.00 to 20.00 but the shows will be replicated to the benefit of residents of the neighborhood Acquaviva.
At the conclusion of the convention which will see as protagonists, along with Petteruti, all citizens and provincial secretaries of the coalition parties as well as candidates for the office of alderman, the Election Committee has provided a buffet for all the defendants in the booth will be set up Izzo in the forecourt of the theater.

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PETTER: "DA BERLUSCONI NOT A WORD ON CASERTA, E 'was yet another catwalk and unproductive"

Declaration of winning candidate for mayor of Union Primary, Nicodemus Petteruti, on a visit to Caserta former prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi:
"I note with regret, news agencies and news reports, that this time the visit to Caserta, the former prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, is has resulted in an unnecessary and unproductive self-congratulatory catwalk. All spoke about the former prime minister - even Maradona, passing the contempt charges that reach the highest echelons of the state - except in Caserta. I'm not saying either of the projects or programs that the government of the center would have in mind for the city, it would be too. There was, however, even a ride on what or what should be a city that aspires to the South recover from a crisis affecting every sector, dall'insipienza of a politico-administrative class in the last nine years and has just released a royal favoritism to a select few, degradation caused by the absence environmental policies. Berlusconi has a thing about Caserta said, the truth will win in the first round. He lost another good opportunity to sit silent, venturing a prediction impossible. Finally, remember to voters that the last time Berlusconi was here was to present the candidature of Louis Falco. The result of that indication we all know, I leave the conclusions to you voters. "

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AIR At Caserta, LETTER Petter in Paris - "THE MISSING ITS RESCUE by political"

The winning candidate for mayor of Union Primary, Nicodemus Petteruti, sent a letter to Defense Minister Arturo Parisi, to raise the attention of the new national government around a theme heard much in Caserta, the progressive loss of the prestigious School of the Air Force non-commissioned officers "and that suspicion has fallen silent, even in these tumultuous days of election campaign."
Petteruti writes: "Behind the false and instrumental involvement of parliamentarians Caserta CDL and, even worse, leading members of the Berlusconi government, was hiding in reality - and recent events show it in full - the utter neglect and negligence towards the process of dismantling the institution, continued without suffering setbacks. Was this the real project of the center? Let the school go away from Caserta to facilitate economic growth and prestige of other cities, whose representatives in parliament had maybe more? The outrage and that of all my Caserta has grown exponentially also consider the statements made by a minister of the Republic of Caserta in the days immediately preceding the election ("We saved the NCO School") and posters made by his party post (National Alliance), which claimed the effort and the result obtained. The latest events - notes Petteruti - corroborate, however, my suspicions because, having already lost in recent years the course marshals for the benefit of Viterbo, the last internal competition that would bring as is usual in Caserta, the 200 participants to specialized courses for the transit of troops from the role to that of sergeant, it seems to be hijacked in the same city in Lazio. Caserta's name is not included in the notice.
Confident of the new government in action today, we ask Minister to address the issue definitively neutralizing the design of further degradation of an institution founded over 80 years ago at Caserta with the name of Air Force Academy, so that gave luster to the city by encouraging the growth of the economy of the place. Despite the irresponsible stance of the then mayor Luigi Falco on the evening of the fire in the attic of the Palace (Via the Air Force from the Royal Palace ") we imagine that there is still room for intervention and that the fate of the school is not yet permanently marked. For this reason, while I understand that only a few days before she took office at the Congregation, we ask you a strong signal to the institution, for the workers (800 people including civilians and military) and, ultimately, for our city.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

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It is aimed at less affluent, people with low incomes and precarious employment contracts with the initiative "gives credit Caserta, presented this afternoon to reporters from the winning candidate for mayor of Union Primary Caserta, Nicodemus Petteruti. "We propose the introduction of the Bonds of solidarity with families, young and low-income workers-said-Petteruti who need small sums of money. The loan will be € 5,000, which may be increased in situations of obvious necessity to 7,500 €, which will be repaid in three years at a fixed rate of 2.5%. We intend to so - he added - to meet people who do not have easy access to traditional forms of credit. It is not just an idea, but a specific project, designed on the initiatives carried out successfully by the Province of Potenza and the City of Florence, where, for example, the project was initiated with good results in a district of 68,000 residents with different social very similar to those of our city. The establishment of the loan will be a concrete demonstration of solidarity that the Administration Petteruti attention will be given priority to social policies, aimed at civic solidarity rather than welfare. We will demonstrate that, with feasibility and concreteness, in Caserta you can do well and put the center of the political people. " The initiative received the full support of the President of Codacons Caserta Giangabriele Borrelli: "We support enthusiastically - Borrelli said - the proposal engineer Petteruti because we have always been at the forefront in protecting the rights of citizens, too often harassed by policies responsive to their needs just that, let me say, we as an association of consumers know very well. Finally - he concluded - there is someone who offers, with sensitivity and skill, a specific project to support and pursue it with seriousness and determination. "