Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sailing Knee Injuries

Grillo in the comments of our "Spectator reporter"

With the spectacle of Beppe Grillo's November 9 at the Florence Saschall
we launched a new initiative called "Spectator - Reporter.
For every event in our program we ask you to a member
our mailing list to see and comment on the show.
The first "Spectator - Reporter" was Simon Giovacchini Florence.

Saschall, November 9, 2010, at 20:18

waiting in the foyer

The children of Florence and the Meetup their docks.
For information on their activities

Simone arrives at Saschall Giovacchini. He was accompanied by Raffaella Solari.

For them, two good central place in the third row.

Start the show.

This commentary by Simon

begins with an accelerated video on the natural phenomenon of the tides, the show "Cricket is back".
A deep breath as sound accompaniment.
That sense of peace led by the comforting flow of water, but is soon annihilated by a succession of shock ecodisastri, the most recent occurred in various places on our planet. We have to punch in the stomach and Beppe, I've followed since "I give you the America", has yet to appear on stage.
"I have this applause from the final" states amazed himself at his stage entrance. In fact, the noise generated by the burst of clapping of hands and affection of those present, groped in the explosion of competing with the bursting of Beppe, can, for a few minutes to overwhelm the thick of a real storm beating on the outer cover Saschall. Spontaneous symptoms, shared among patients released from waiting to die laughing, but by no means carefree. A worthy start to an amazing journey lasting more than two hours, skimming steps in, heads on each side and color, during which passengers are served a nutritious juice man, with transfer of knowledge, heartfelt appeals to the citizenship and critical and passionate declarations of admiration for the talented minds of young men yesterday and today.

Tireless, on stage from beginning to end of the show, not supported by some physical condition, but the energy of deep-rooted reasons, Beppe Grillo tells of His idea of \u200b\u200brevolution. Can you imagine that he is drawing from your breath to not ever slow down his breathless race against time. It follows the hilarious threatening not to release anyone from the theater, before having poured much information as possible and exhausted from laughing. Repeated movements of the segmented arms to reiterate, the thumb and forefinger of his right hand to point out close together, eyes wide open and fixed in projected continue to impress, un'esagitazione body to the limits of delirium to disrupt, at these levels, beginning to fear that the doping by passion, can put a strain on the coronary arteries of a man, albeit a fearless like Beppe Grillo. Even the rare breaks are served just to be ironic complicity with, screamed at every call on his "Italian" rather than the generous accomplice in the salivary ejection of lapilli and enjoyed the benefit of the occupants of the very first file.

policy and law, ecology and recycling, transport and roads, basic themes of everyday life and the nation, are exposed clearly documented and at times, but when you hear him beside you and support you with all your weight on your shoulder or you see him crawling around the stage, four hands, you understand to be the presence of a true stage animal, not really pushed clean energy in talking to you, but of a kind which alone is able to cover much of the needs of those who find it enjoyable as well as a comedian, I express my sincere appreciation to his rock hard against the walls and institutional culture of our country.
Finally I would like to express my gratitude and that of Raphael, the staff of BitConcerti, for the organization, the beautiful places reserved for closed, and above all, kindness and gentleness in the way we do and be with us. With your site, the blog and promotional initiatives such as this, demonstrate that it can be a valuable showcase and a sunny place to meet, for the live show in our region.

Simone Giovacchini

Congratulations to Simone. Do not miss the next steps for the "Spectator reporter."
Next meeting November 16 with the Nomads.
More click here.


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