Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Network Card Difference

(ANSA) LOCAL: CASERTA, Petter, 80 votes more 'and ballot

ANSA (POL) - 30/05/2006 - 12:03.
MUNICIPAL: CASERTA, Petter, 80 votes more 'and ballot
AS THE PRIMARY CANDIDATE BEATS OTHER center ALOIS (ANSA) - Caserta, 30 MA - He repeated his success of primaries on March 12 and will 'to contest the seat he now mayor of Caserta the candidate of the Casa delle Liberta ', prefect Pauline Maddaloni, stopping to 45.4 percent. Nicodemus Petteruti supported by the president of the Province, Sandro de Franciscis Fist da Rosa, Italy of Values, Greens, Communist Refoundation and PDC and two civic lists -''Caserta and 'freedom''and''Youth for Caserta''- won, for a margin of 80 votes, in what have been defined in Caserta''additional''primary, the other candidate of the center, Gianfranco Alois (Petteruti 14,457 votes, 27.5%, 14 375 (27 , 1%) for Alois). The victory in the primaries of March 12 Petter had been questioned by Democrats, Margherita and Udeur, which, despite controversy and distinctions within the Union itself decided not to legitimize his success, little more 'than 30 votes on the former regional minister to the activities' of production, Gianfranco Alois, proposing and supporting the latter as a candidate for mayor of Caserta. The decision has caused controversy and divisions within the center, which should, so 'as stated in the election campaign by the protagonists of the struggle, compacted around the name of the Union's candidate on the ballot next June 11. (ANSA). W03-MS 30-May-06 24:02 NNN


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