Friday, April 9, 2010

Tattoos On Male Genital Areas

Press Review Press Review Press

Astalli Association presents the 2010 Report on the living conditions of migrants
"decreased asylum applications, but grow the people who use the centers'

Fleeing war and poverty, the plight of refugees in Italy

In 19 thousand without reception. Many Afghan men and African women

ROME - Every afternoon, Monday through Friday, and form a queue of people waiting to enter the canteen. They turn to the windows dedicated to the work orientation, ask legal aid or participate in language courses to learn Italian. The men come mainly from Afghanistan, Eritrea and Somalia. Women from black Africa. 67% had between 21 and 30 years, while very few are those that exceed 40. And
'This is the picture, updated to 2009 on the conditions of 19 thousand asylum seekers and refugees in Italy. Do not immigrants but "forced migrants" because fled the war. To take the picture is the Astalli Center, an association of Jesuits in Rome, Palermo and Vicenza that operates multi-purpose center for the care and protection of refugees in Italy. And thanks monitoring of their movements in every sector of daily life, the Centre provides the exclusive report 2010: a statistical interpretation of the living conditions of refugees "Italian" that from January to December 2009 have been in contact with the Association.

numbers. The numbers are a result of government measures on immigration. The drop in asylum applications following the policy of rejections in the Mediterranean was felt as early as June 2009, a decline from the previous year was 35.5%. But compared to 2008, people who have used the services of the centers Astalli increased. The inflow at the cafeteria, passing required to know and to access other services of the centers, an increase of 33%. At the same time they extended the length of stay: the average attendance of tables for each user is stretched, in many cases exceeding six months.

Men. Of the four centers in Rome, one in via the Astalli is the greatest. Here, the male refugees waiting for hot meals are mainly Afghans (6 thousand 851), Eritrea (2 thousand 275) and Somalis (2 thousand 159). And also considering scenarios "micro", the proportions do not change. In the small town of San Saba, in Rome, 81 guests are welcomed in 2009. Of these, 40 were Afghans, Iranians 7, 6 of Côte d'Ivoire, Eritrea and 3 Iraq 3. Again, the average age is rather low: 74% are under 30 years.

Women. The refugee women in Italy are nearly all in Africa. 38% comes from the Horn of Africa (Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia) and 80% of the total have an average age between 21 and 40 years, while more than half of them under 30. From 2008 onwards, there is a change. The period of stay of women in it is stretched. Compared to the men, obtain the recognition of refugee status has become more difficult. And the women are too few doctors in the clinics provided by the centers: patients are 95% men, young Afghans, or from the countries of the Horn of Africa (1 / 4 of the total).

Children. Increase the presence of children in relation to adults: from 2008, the young refugees have exceeded 44% of the total. Of these, however, only 11% of the total number of refugees hosted by the Italian state is recognized. In 38% of cases it falls under the minor pending a hearing in committee. Unlike adults, children, refugees come from Kosovo, Eritrea but also from Colombia and Romania.

job. decreased asylum applications, but grow refugees in need of legal counseling and listening: in During 2009, the number of people who turned at least once in one of the Centers Astalli dedicated orientation or work has grown by 60% over the previous year. The total, 735 people: 3 / 4 men, 1 / 4 women and all holders of subsidiary protection or humanitarian protection. One thing, this, which reveals a growing difficulties for foreigners to seek services on their own public and private, with similar objectives, operating in the area.

North-South. In 2008 they had moved in the cities of northern Italy in 2009 but were forced to retrace their steps. And 'this is what emerges from the Report 2010: men and women of Bangladesh, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire, having lost their jobs in the north, have returned en masse to Astalli Centre of Palermo. Forced to ask again, help and assistance.

source of 04/08/2010

Your Own Wrestling Name

BISHOP SPEAKS. Marchetto, number two in the Vatican department MIGRANTS

Migrants, criticism from the Vatican:
"Agreements with Libya violate rights'

" Nobody can be extradited where there is a danger that the person will be tortured or sentenced to death "

LONDON - " No one can be moved, expelled or extradited to a State where there is a serious danger that the person will be sentenced to death, tortured or subjected to other forms of inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. " A recall is Archbishop Agostino Marchetto, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care of Migrants, which challenges the decision of Italian immigrants intercepted at sea "forcibly repelling in Libya, as required by a bilateral agreement with that government, and this without considering the possibility that there were among them refugees or people in some way vulnerable. "

"inhumane conditions" - "In Libya - Marchetto recalled - there are detention and repatriation where conditions range from acceptable to inhuman and degrading treatment. And access to these centers is difficult so it is difficult to monitor respect for human rights in them, then taking into account that this country has not acceded to the Geneva Convention of 1951, nor to its 1967 Protocol, and does not recognize ' United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. " "I confirm - the archbishop said in a note - my position to condemn those who do not observe the principle of 'non-refoulement', that is the basis of the treatment to be done to those fleeing persecution. And I wonder if in time of peace you can not enforce this fundamental principle of international humanitarian law, how will require compliance in time war. And the question can be extended to the issue of protection of civilians during conflict, which is so weakened in its root, the common humanitarian. " According to the prelate, "another law violated the act of intercepting and rejecting the migrants on the African coast of the Mediterranean is the" due process ", which includes the right to defend itself, to be heard, to appeal against an administrative decision , the right to obtain a reasoned decision, and to be informed of the facts upon which the sentence, the right to an independent and impartial court. " According to Monsignor Marchetto, in addition, 'eavesdropping even go against the same code Schengen borders, stating that all persons that have been denied entry to the territory have the right to appeal. " "People rejected - said the bishop quoting a recent report of ' Human Rights Watch that denounced the interception by Italian coast guards of African migrants and asylum seekers who sailed in the Mediterranean - no chance to exercise this right of' appeal, are not informed about where and how to exercise this right, and even more, there is for them not an administrative act that forbids them to continue their journey of desperation to reach international waters and that has a return to the place of departure or to another destination on the African coast. "

VIOLATIONS - "Other rights violated - Lists the number two in the Vatican department for migrants - are physical integrity, human dignity and even life, as evidenced by the many that do not exceed the crossing of the Mediterranean which has become the tomb, but also those who die in the desert crossing to the fate groped from countries bordering the Mediterranean less severe in Libya. In the fight against illegal immigration must not forget that "about three-quarters of illegal immigrants actually come with a valid visa or entry permit, and then remain in the country chosen after its expiry date, confirm the data in our possession relating to Italy and Spain, the main countries of first destination in Mediterranean Europe. " And in any case - concluded Msgr. Marchetto - it "must respect the Geneva Convention of 1951 and its 1967 Protocol, the status of refugees, internal treaties on extradition, readmission and transit of foreign citizens and asylum (in particular the Dublin Convention of 1990) and the 1950 Human Rights. " (Source Agi )

taken from the 9.aprile.2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

How To Hack A Wheelchair Controller


We chose the image of dance as a symbol of resurrection. It is not just a pretty picture but we believe it is also an image that says something to God and about God . To God says our desire to live life to dance, to share the sense of a faith that frees us from fear and death. But he also says something of God: it reveals a God who first broke the wall of death, break the chains of slavery, and life back to dance.
The religious scholars say that religious experience of life was born as the first dance and only then discourse has become. One of them in 1930 wrote an essay titled "very suggestive" In heaven there is a dance "(G. Van der Leeuw). There are cultures that have blood in the dance, maybe we are today, especially in the churches do not live the real experience of dance that remains for us as a metaphor, a symbol ... But today the presence of our fellow Africans, for example, in our City gives the language of dance with all her strength and beauty. But it would be enough to stop in around the fire with a Gypsy community to see how the spirit, "dunede" as he called Garcia Lorca body knows how to be a body dancing. We, too, especially in the more popular, we have experienced that our family celebrations, wedding parties, parties in the districts could not end except with a dance, ended up dancing ... (as a child I remember the house party, with mum and dad, aunts and uncles who danced and it was a great joy ...)
In the Jewish tradition dance is one of the most intense expressions to tell God Just read the psalms and the continual invitation to dance. There are two images in the Old Testament that can help us grasp the meaning of the dance:
The first is taken from Exodus and talk to your Passover, the crossing of the Red Sea. It is said that the past sea, Miriam, the prophetess the sister of Aaron and Moses with the other women began to dance in the sea. But why Miriam dance? Dance to express, to tell the liberation that God has done for his people held slaves in the land of Egypt. The memory of this release, the memory of the Passover is entrusted to the dance and is a prophecy by women. Every time that faith is transformed into a speech women invite us to give shape to the faith, invite us to dance our liberation.
Another page of the Bible shows us a dance. That of King David dancing before the Ark of the Lord. While David Dance, Mikol his wife laughs at him, looks at him with contempt of the window. David expresses a belief that dance, which celebrates, and Mikol a religion seems to remember that real estate and fixed assets, the religion of the devout and thoughtful look at the world that God and even the window but they never dance. Mikol sobering as failing to dance and not even having welcomed the dance of her husband, he remained sterile.
Even our Romano Guardini (baptized here at St. Nicholas in 1885) commented on this scene of David dancing before the Ark as a gratuitous act of love, as an expression of freedom and freshness of spirit. ( cf. The Spirit of the Liturgy )
A faith that does not dance, a religion that looks out the window at the world and can not enjoy life, the light step women and men, is a religion that does not generate more hope.
oust the dance of faith means to prevent that man is happy. Be somewhat against the happiness of man.
dance of Jesus does not know much. But being a good jew and frequent parties and banquets we can certainly imagine a man who loved to dance and enjoyed seeing the dance of emotion in others, to see people happy.
But there is a dance not visible to the eye but that has inspired artists and poets. A dance that no one but God alone can imagine, has seen the resurrection. Jesus wins the stillness of death and resurrection dance. God rolls away the stone building of the tomb, Jesus free from the bands of death and invited him to dance.
The philosopher Nietzsche said: " I could only believe in a God who dances . We would like to say ourselves tonight. But is it possible that God dance today? And if you do not dance, what prevents God to dance?
We would like to dance before God : as David did. But in front of what God can dance? You can not dance in front of a God who does not want man to be happy, there is a God full of precepts, but who can not hug and kiss anyone. You can not dance in front of a God who became just an idea, a system, apparatus. You can not dance in front of a God who has lost his body and knows the wounds and even caresses. Tonight Jesus reveals to us the humanity of God A God who loves dance. A God who knows and knows how to cry dance until the morning. The first resurrection is true that God gives to humanity that has been stolen, the religion of humanity that is often denied him not to feel some more, no tears or laughter. Tonight we want God to resume all his humanity, his body, we want God to be happy tonight .
We would like to dance in the middle of the world and within the city : But how do you dance to the world today? As you can dance in our town?
Easter is a celebration of life, is the blossoming of spring in the heart of the earth. A symbol that speaks of life, is an essential right and free for all is water. The Easter Vigil is the water that blesses fruitful by the Spirit brings back new life. On this night the sign of the source from which springs the gift of baptism is the same water today that it wants to privatize . The commodification of water is an expression of the commodification of life. Water is an essential commodity and is a right for all. Today, only those who identify with their power and their wealth feels that the water would be a substantive and not a gift .
We ask you to leave tonight free water, tonight we ask for the resurrection of the water. We request that anyone put their hands on the water and make it his property. And remember the words of the Gospel when he says that God sends rain from the sky the rain on the good and the bad, so free, for love.
Easter is the song of life that explodes and spreads throughout the universe. Today, there are champions of "life", who exploit this case and throw the church for the jacket, to get support and consensus. E 'singular that the same people who defend life are also blind to those same men and women who come into the world, can not live as men in our country and our city. A logic of exclusion, which devalues \u200b\u200bthe rights of the weakest, and humiliates the dignity of those living in an inhumane way in our country. Tonight we remember those who want to be champion of life to resurrect the lives of all, blacks and whites, the regular and irregular, Christians and Muslims.
We would like to dance in the church. But how do you dance in the church? We can not deny how difficult it is to be in the Church today. How difficult it is to accept a structure that seems so concerned to defend itself from embarrassing the prophets of freedom and hope. Maybe we feel real to us the words of a witness of the 900 born one hundred years ago, Carlo Carretto
Are You questionable church, but how I love you! How you made me suffer, but what you have to! I would like to see destroyed, but I need your presence. You gave me so many scandals, but you made me understand holiness! Nothing I have seen the world's most obscurantist, more compromised, more false, and I touched anything more pure, generous and beautiful. How many times I wanted to slam the door in his face and how many times I need your hug ... I can not get rid of you because you are, while not completely you ... "
When we think of Church we think all of you: you are looking for the face of God in life, to those who want to be happy but you also want the happiness of others, you who enter for the rights of children. When does the Church think of all those who keep this city in the face: the aged, the young people who seem to deny a future, foreigners, the mentally ill, the desperate. Think of you who hope in the spring. You who planted the seed and wait while he sleeps under the snow. And tonight the seed has sprouted. Why are we here tonight? He asked a girl at the beginning of our celebration. We are here because the seed has borne fruit, because it is the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, because death has been defeated by life. The Lord Jesus comes to us with a peach flower and invites us to dance.
On this night God invites us into the heart of the dance and tells us " Dance wherever you are, I am the Lord of the Dance"!

donMarco donRoberto
St. Nicholas Arena - Verona